Friday, July 09, 2010

What I'm Wearing

It is a passage of Scripture that as a woman, wife and mother, I have read many, many times. It is the all familiar passage that as women, we strive and long to be. The Proverbs 31 woman. We also know her as "the virtuous woman" or the "woman of noble character". There are two words within verse that I saw in a new way. 
They are the words strength and dignity.

And I am clothed with them.

What I saw with a set of fresh eyes, was a verse specifically speaking of a woman. So much of scripture is referenced to man (which please hear me, I have NO issue with), but here is a chapter in which the Author and Perfecter of our faith, has spoken of a "she". I read the words over and over again. "She is clothed with strength and dignity." Here I was, holding onto the sweet and powerful words of my Savior.  He knew what the journey of womanhood would be like. He knew what my journey would be.

There are days when I feel weak and defenseless. There are days when I think to myself, "I've blown it again, if only I were stronger." What I am realizing that instead of giving into the wave of feeling and believing I am weak, I can turn and set my eyes and heart on the truth that I am a woman who has the privilege of wearing strength, and divine strength at that, as a garment. 

I then began absorbing the truth that I possess dignity which means that I am worthy of respect. The reason I have dignity is simply because God Himself gave it to me. I want to be a woman who knows and understands how to apply the biblical concept of respect and dignity correctly. I hope to be a woman that earns it, instead of demanding or expecting it from others. I also don't want to ever lose sight of the fact that there is a great difference between holy dignity and pride.

Strength and dignity. It is a spiritual covering like nothing else. Knowing that I can wake up in the morning and clothe myself with that perfect pairing is exactly the kind of outfit I want to wear. 


  1. I agree! I truly believe a Godly woman should carry herself with the strength & dignity given her. And therefore command the respect deserved to come with those things. I believe we hold ourselves to a standard in which we won't allow others to treat us as anything less than the glorious creature God created us to be! btw, took me a long time to figure this one out! ;)

  2. Christy! I am digging this blog. So beautiful. Lord bless it!
    Thank you for posting on my blog, as well. I love how the Lord is using the Internet for so much good. He is always at work. Mmm.

  3. Hi Christy! I LOVE your blog. And your photography skills just ROCK! I haven't studied the PW31 woman in a couple of years. But what a great piece of scripture to ponder during the summer.... a time when I for one feel myself slipping in my time in the Word. Have a super day!


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